■ 教育及工作经历
◆ 22013.09-2017.06 必威betway中国官方网站 中草药栽培与鉴定 农学学士
◆ 2017.09-2020.06 必威betway中国官方网站 药用植物资源 农学硕士
◆ 2020.10-2023.06 必威betway中国官方网站 作物栽培学与耕作学
◆ 农学博士2023.10-至今 必威
■ 研究方向
◆ 药用植物生理与分子生物学
■ 代表性论文
◆ WCun, Z., Wu, H. M., Zhang, J. Y., Shuang, S. P., Hong, J., Chen, J. W*. Responses of Linear and Cyclic Electron Flow to Nitrogen Stress in an N-Sensitive Species Panax notoginseng. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13: 796931
◆ Cun, Z., Xu, X. Z., Zhang, J. Y., Shuang, S. P., Wu, H. M., An, T. X*., Chen, J. W*. Responses of Photosystem to Long-Term Light Stress in a Typically Shade-Tolerant Species Panax notoginseng. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2023, 13: 1095726.
◆ Cun, Z., Zhang, J. Y., Wu, H. M., Zhang, L., Chen, J. W*. High Nitrogen Inhibits Photosynthetic Performance in a Shade-Tolerant and N-Sensitive Species Panax notoginseng. Photosynthesis Research. 2021, 147(3): 283-300.
◆ Cun, Z., Shuang, S. P., Zhang, J. Y., Hong, J., Wu, H. M., Yang, J., Zhao, H. C., Gao, L. L., Chen, J. W*. Suppression of Leaf Growth and Photosynthetic Capacity as an Acclimation Strategy to Nitrogen Deficiency in a Nitrogen-Sensitive and Shade-Tolerant Plant Panax notoginseng. Journal of Plant Interactions. 2022, 17(1): 980-990.
◆ Cun, Z., Wu, H. M., Zhang, J. Y., Shuang, S. P., Hong, J., An, T. X*., Chen, J. W*. High Nitrogen Inhibits Biomass and Saponins Accumulation in a Medicinal Plant Panax notoginseng. PeerJ. 2023, 11: e14933.
◆ 寸竹, 张金燕, 陈军文. 氮添加对二年生三七生长、光合特性及皂苷含量的影响. 生态学杂志, 2020, 39(04): 1101-1111.
◆ 寸竹, 张玲, 张金燕, 武洪敏, 双升普, 陈军文*. 采收期和采收年限对三七农艺性状和皂苷的影响. 应用与环境生物学报, 2022, 28(3): 645-654.
◆ 寸竹, 董益, 张广辉, 陈军文*. 云南省野生半夏资源调查及种质评价. 南方农业学报, 2021, 52(8): 2069-2077.